The film of Michael Collins entitled Give Up Tomorrow won the award of Heineken Audience Award at the Tribeca Film Festival in New York

The film of Michael Collins entitled Give Up Tomorrow won the award of Heineken Audience Award at the Tribeca Film Festival in New York, according to several sources.

The Give Up Tomorrow film was a Philippine documentary film that had been chosen by the audience of the Tribeca Film Festival in New York to received the award of Heineken Audience Award. Michael Collins the director of the said film received an amount of $25,000 for the credit.

The film of Michael Collins entitled Give Up Tomorrow won the award of Heineken Audience Award at the Tribeca Film Festival in New York, according to several sources.

The said film also earned a special jury mention in the festival’s World Documentary competition. The film had been supported by the Tribeca Film Institutes. Michael Collins was an alumnus of the said institute.

According to the statement of Michael Collins, he said that from the very start, the Tribeca was always there and always gave them an induction into the world of movies. In addition, he said that the given award gave them hope.

The film Give Up Tomorrow, is about the story of a 19 year-old culinary student named Paco Larrañaga. He was said to be the great grandson of the late Philippine President, Sergio Osmeña. Larrañaga was accused and had been arrested for kidnapping, rape as well as killing two teenager sisters named Jacqueline and Marijoy Chiong, in one of the island in Cebu City, Philippines.

According to the executive director of the said festival, Nancy Schafer, from the first time, the film Give Up Tomorrow received a standing ovation at its opening on the said Festival. It shows that the people who watched the film appeared to be passionate about the role of Paco Larrañaga who had an unfair imprisonment. In addition, she said that they are expecting that the said film will cause responsiveness to Paco’s trouble and result to his freedom.
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